Both adults and children should use brushes with soft, rounded bristles for gentle cleaning.
Non-nutritive sucking habits can cause damage to developing oral cavities with prolonged use.
As teeth begin to erupt into the mouth, many children may experience some discomfort or sleepless nights.
Studies have shown that children with severe decay miss more days of school and have a harder time concentrating in school.
Most of the time cavities are due to a diet high in sugary foods and a lack of brushing. Limiting sugar intake and brushing regularly, of course, can help.
While many believe periodontal disease is an adult problem, studies indicate that gingivitis is nearly a universal problem among children and adolescents.
Although your child has not even been born, there are things that you can do while pregnant that may help reduce your child’s risk for dental decay.
Even before your child gets teeth there are several habits that you should work on to help ensure good oral health.
Children who maintain good oral health habits up until the teen years are more likely to continue brushing and flossing than children who were not taught proper oral care.
Sometimes parents, in the eagerness to prepare their children for the dentist, over-explain. Learn about our tips on what to tell your child.
When your child needs urgent dental treatment, your pediatric dentist stands ready to help. Please keep the emergency number available and convenient.
The doctors at Pediatric Dental Specialists, PA will perform an orthodontic evaluation. Orthodontic evaluations should be done by age 7.
Attached to your braces, elastics (rubber bands) exert the proper force that creates the right amount of pressure to move teeth.
Turning the miniature screw applies pressure through the teeth to expand the jaw bone. The screw is in the center of the palate.
If you have an after-hours emergency you can reach our offices at 913-649-5437.
A careful orthodontic patient can probably eat most food and do no damage to their appliances. Please read our tips on what to eat with braces.
There are many different types of bites. Find out what bite your child may have by visiting the team at Pediatric Dental Specialists, PA.